
HEATH, Charles.

The excursion down the Wye from Ross to Monmouth: comprehending, historical and descriptive accounts of Wilton and Goodrich castles; also of Court Field, the nursery of King Henry the fifth; new wear, with every other object in the voyage. The celebrated family of Swift, who resided at goodrich, are not overlooked: and, throughout the whole are interspersed, a variety of amusing and interesting circumstances, never before collected:-particularly memoirs and anecdotes of the life of John Kyrle, Esq. rendered immortal by the muse of pope, under the character of "the man of Ross." By Charles Heath, printer, monmouth. Being part the first of this work,
Monmouth, Printed and sold by him [i. e. C. Heath] 1799. kl.-4°. 4 Bll., 164 S.; 8 Bll. ("Mr, Kyrle's will; Walford"). HLdr. d. 19. Jhdts. Ecken bestoßen.

Charles Heath (1761-1831), printer and writer was twice elected Mayor of Monmouth. First edition. p. 164: "End of the first part." Continued by 2 more chapters: "Mr, Kyrle's will; Walford". - Without title-page. Presentation copy, signed by the author, interleaved with blank sheets and a few manuscr. pencil-notes. - Ohne Titelblatt, statdessen ein Widmungsblatt mit eigenhänd, Widmung Heaths an Rev. B. Richardson, dat. Aug. 1799. Von je 1 Leerblatt durchschossen, darauf vereinz. Bleistift-Notizen.

EUR 1800.00