

A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World; Many of Which Are Now First Translated Into English. Digested on a New Plan.
Volume the Tenth. [Middle East]. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1811. 4°. 2 Bll., 770 S., 4 Bll. Mit 8 gest. Taf. (davon 1 mehrf. gefalt.). einige S. wasserrandig. HLdr. Mit Rückensch. Stellenw. stockfl. EA

Brunet IV, 667; Graesse V, 300 - John Pinkerton, (1758-1826), schottischer Antiquar, Kartograph, Autor, Numismatiker und Historiker. Dieser Band Nr. 10 ist dem Nahen Osten gewidmet. Die Texte fußen auf Carsten Niebuhr, Richard Pococke, Hery Blount, Jerome Dandini, Hery Maundrell und Robert Clayton. Der Inhalt: Niebur's Travels in Arabia, Blount's Voyage to the Levant, Dandinis Voyage to Mount Libanus, Maudrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai, Dr. Pococke's Travel to the East. Die Tafeln: 1. Grotto of Antiparos. 2. View of Siphantos. 3. Turkish Conversation. 4. View of the City of Balbec. 5. Aleppo. 6. Turkish Burying Ground. 7. General View of the Plain of Troy. 8. Constantinople from the heights of the Eyoub. (mehrf. gefalt. Taf.).

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