
[CZIRÁKY, Antal]. [CZIRÁKY, Antal].

Disquisitio historica de modo consequendi summum imperium in Hungaria a primordiis monarchiae in haec tempora.
Buda[pest], Regiae Univ. Hungaricae 1820. gr.-8°. 1 Bl., 305 S., 1 Bl. Mit 9 gefalt. Stammtaf. Pbd. d. Zt. Mit Rückensch. Wappen -u. Namenstempel amTit. Ecken leicht bestoßen, sonst in gutem Zustand.

A study on the laws governing the right of succession to the throne of Hungary. With many documentary pieces, and with genealogical tables, on folding plates by Antal Mózes Cziráky (1772-1852).

EUR 200.00