
EDMONDS, Clement.

The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, Of his wars in Gallia; And the civil wars betwixt him and Pompey. Translated into English; With many Excellent and Judicious Observations thereupon. As also the Art of our Modern Training or tacktick practice. By Clement Edmonds Esquire, Remembrancer of the City of London. Whereunto is adjoyned the Eight Commentari of the Wars in Gallia; with some short Observations upon it. Together with the Life of Caesar, And an Account of his Medal; revised, corrected, and enlarged.
In the Savoy, printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Jonathan Edwin at the three Roses in Ludgagtestreet 1677. gr.-4°. Tit., 24 Bll., 332 S. Mit 15 Kupfertaf. (dav. 9 doppelbl.-gr.). Ldr. d. Zt. Berieb. Rücken u. Ecken alt restaur. Vorsatzpapier in den Innengelenken durchtrennt. Stellenw. in den Außenrändern braunfleckig. Portraittaf. unterlegt.

Die Kupfer zeigen Münzen (1), Portrait (1), Karten, Schlachten etc. Mit 2 Zwischentiteln, dat. 1676. - Title printed in red and black. - Clement Edmonds "had a high reputation for learning and as a writer on military art" (DNB); This translation of the Commentaries was first published in 1600. "This excellent and well-known exposition of Caesar was always popular. The text is divided into short chapters with critical and explanatory notes to each" (Cockle 71).

EUR 1500.00