
JOHNSON, Samuel.

Prayers and Meditations. Published from his Manuscripts by George STRAHAN.
2nd ed. London, for T. Cadell, in The Strand 1785. gr.-8°. XVI, 230 pp. Kalbleder.-Bd. d. Zt. /Contem. calf. gilt stamped. m. Rückensch. u. Rückengoldpräg., Stehkantenvergold. Gest. Exlibris. Gelenke restaur.

Vorl. posthume Veröffentlichung im Jahr der Erstausgabe, erfolgte 1 Jahr nach Johnsons Tod, nachdem dieser seinem Testator (Strahan) seine Manuskripte anvertraute. Strahan strich jedoch die Stellen, bei denen ein gewisses Misstrauen Johnsons dem Christentum gegenüber herauslesbar waren. This posthumous publication, in the year of the first edition, took place one year after Johnson's death, after he had entrusted his manuscripts to his testator (Strahan). Strahan, however, deleted the passages in which a certain distrust of Christianity on Johnson's part could be read.

EUR 500.00